Tel: (01)(33) 3810-6501, 3810-6502, 3343 9945 Mon - Fri 06:00 - 18:00 Lazaro Cardenas #493 Bod. A-6. Zona Industrial. Col Valle del Alamo.
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. C.P. 44440
Tel: (01)(33) 3810-6501, 3810-6502, 3343 9945 Mon - Fri 06:00 - 18:00 Lazaro Cardenas #493 Bod. A-6. Zona Industrial. Col Valle del Alamo.
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. C.P. 44440
ISO 9001:2015
UL Certified
AAA Certified
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Social Responsibility

Anti-Trafficking and Slavery
Conflict Minerals Reporting Template
Child labor statement
Gollet's code of conduct
ISO 9001:2015 Certification Documents

Gollet Electronics has a zero tolerance approach towards any form of slavery, servitude, forced or bonded labor, or human trafficking (collectively referred to as “modern slavery” in this statement). We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery in our business or in our supply chains, and to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our relationships.

We undertake all reasonable and practical steps to ensure that our standards are implemented and that local legislation and regulations are being complied with, both throughout the business and within our direct supply chain. We will only work with those parties who fully comply with these standards, with issues of non-compliance being dealt with on a case by case basis.

Gollet electronics is aware of the conflict minerals around the world for that reason our committed team is constantly identifying the source of our supplied metals.

We work in line with the disclosure Dodd-Frank Section 1502 for that reason we pay special attention our providers of the next four raw material: columbite-tantalite, also known as coltan (from which tantalum is derived), cassiterite (tin), gold and wolframite (tungsten) or their derivatives.

Download CMRT

At Gollet electronics we carry out actions to protect the environment including GHG emission reduction, water and energy consumption decrease, waste reduction, and circular economy implementation, among others.

We are committed to protecting the environment and controlling the use of resources in manufacturing and related activities.


Child and forced labor are pervasive problems throughout the world. As a employer and purchaser of services and goods, Gollet´s core value of treating all people with dignity and respect:

  • Gollet will not use child or forced labor in any of its operations and facilities.
  • Gollet respects Mexican and International Laws regarding in Child Labor and Forced Labor.
  • Gollet supports temporary workplace internship and apprenticeship education programs for younger persons as well as customary seasonal employment so long as such persons are closely supervised and their morals, safety, health and compulsory education are not compromised in any way.


Our code of conduct it’s available in Spanish and English in PDF format below.

Code of Conduct